- Purchased a new ceiling fan for the nursery
- The crib was delivered
- Hubby is almost done getting his stuff out of the baby's future room
- Purchased the travel system (carseat and stroller)
- Bought a wintersuit for the baby to wear home from the hospital
- Booked the hotel location for the baby shower
- Finalized the invitation design; one correction to go back to the designer
- Finalized my cupcake designs; placing order with the bakery tomorrow
- Reorganized dresser drawers and clothing for both kids
- Preregistered at the hospital
That's just the baby stuff. I have a whole list of other stuff that I've been doing as well but I won't get into that list. For now, I'm just going to take a moment to breath and reflect on the fact that I'm 89 days away from my estimated due date. Lawd!
My 6 year old baby lost his first teeth yesterday and last night the tooth fairy brought him 4 whole dollars.
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