Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gender Reveal (Sorta)

Hubby and I attended my anatomy scan for the baby the other day. During this scan, the technician is basically taking pictures of baby's full anatomy for review by the OB. It's a normal procedure but it takes a while, especially if you have an active little one like mine.

For the most part, everything looks good. We told her we wanted to know gender immediately. About 20 minutes in she says its one sex and then a few minutes later says she wrong and that it was another sex. I asked her if she was sure and she said yes but since the baby was squirmy, I would have to come back to definitely confirm.

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Lady, you have got to be kidding me. By this point, Hubby is frustrated because she had him expecting one sex and then she says she's wrong. He would have preferred until she was absolutely sure before saying something, which I agree, but I babies move so it can happen.

Anyway, I'm not really the gender just yet until we are absolutely sure what we are having. I've told some family and we even revealed the name but we are going to hold another week before moving forward with anything.

I tell you, these babies are something else...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

19 weeks pregnant

How I'm feeling:
Anxious and relieved. Big day today! My boss is finally back from maternity leave and I couldn't be happier to turn everything back over to her.

What I'm craving:
Pasta. I cooked dinner at my parent's house last night and made a pasta dish that I love, including homemade alfredo sauce. Everyone loved it.

How I'm sleeping:
Still pretty uncomfortable with sleeping. I can't seem to find a good position no matter what.

19 weeks has gotten here quick! It's still hard to believe we are pretty much at the halfway point. Today is my anatomy scan and the day we will finally find out of this baby is a girl or boy. I am too geeked to focus on anything right now. Hubby is taking off work and will meet me at the doctor's office. I have to drink about 32 oz of water before the scan and manage to not pee somehow. We'll see how that goes.

My in-laws will arrive in town on Friday so I am going to spend the next few days cleaning up my house. Baby boy's birthday party is Saturday so I have tons to do for that. Really, I'm just coasting. Since the family will all be together, I plan to do a family night at my house Saturday night. We haven't all been together since our wedding and our parents get along really great. Which reminds me that we may need to stock up on some beer. Either way, I am looking forward to a fabulous weekend!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mr. Grey Will see you now

The official trailer for "Fifty Shades of Grey" was released yesterday and it took the internet by storm. I have to admit, I can't wait to see this movie and see if it does the book justice. And I'm loving Bey's remixed "Crazy in Love" on the soundtrack. How appropriate.

What do you think?

Pregnancy and Body Image

Pregnancy is one of the most precious gifts God could ever give us. The ability to grow a life inside of you and feed it from your body is simply amazing and not something we should take for granted. It is truly a beautiful and miraculous thing. For 9 months you watch your body change and evolve in ways you never thought possible.

I love being pregnant but like many other women, I suffer from body image issues while pregnant also. Before you go screaming, "but a pregnant body is beautiful", hear me out. I'm not saying it's not but for the pregnant woman, we too struggle with accepting our changing body.

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My husband, God bless him, absolutely loves my pregnant body. He loves talking to my belly, rubbing it in his sleep as we spoon and massaging whatever is aching me. He is amazing! But sometimes I wonder if this big bump, stretch marks and spreading hips is a turn off to him. He will tell me by no means is it but of course my mind says otherwise.

Then I walk into my closet to attempt to find something to wear and nothing fits. Even the stretchy stuff isn't stretchy enough, and quite frankly, I'm not quite comfortable with my bump yet to just put it out there. I think part of it is fear of strangers wanting to rub my belly. It freaks me out! And Hubby DOES NOT like that at all.

Last night, as we were getting ready for bed, I got a little teary and said "I feel like a big whale." Oh, did I forget the mention the extra emotional sensitivity that comes with pregnancy? Lord, I feel like I cry about thing now and I am so not the crying/emotional type. Back to body image.....

I can't control the shape my body takes while pregnant; that is beyond me. What I can control are the things I put into to ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby. While I try not to get too hung on body image, I'm also human and understand that this is part of the process. To all you mommies-to-be out there, don't feel bad if you don't like how your body looks some days. It's perfectly normal and ok. Just know that this too shall...

18 weeks pregnant

I forgot to do my 18 week update. Whoops!

How I'm feeling:
Pretty good today although earlier this week was a little rough. I had to take Wednesday off due to nausea and exhaustion.

What I'm craving:
Salads! I went to Subway twice in 3 hours to get a chopped salad. It's ridiculous, I know.

How I'm sleeping:
This week has been horrible. I literally wanted to cry one night because I couldn't get comfortable and could not sleep. Bless my husband's heart, he's left with one pillow to sleep on since I use about 6 0_0

Baby boy is fully moved into his new big bedroom. I can't remember if I mentioned it last week but we decided to move him into the guest room, which is huge, and the baby will take over his room. I think it's a great move but unfortunately for my husband, that leaves him without a room to play in. He will be moving his desk into the sunroom with mine, of course he isn't fond of this idea but we have to make do. I told him, you keep adding kids, the space gets smaller. And he wants a 3rd kid after this so I told him he needs to buy me another house before that one gets here LOL

Seriously, we were planning to buy another house in 4 years but it looks like our timetable will be shifting quickly. We are outgrowing this 3 bedroom plus a sunroom home really quick.

On the baby front all is well. I have had some pretty rough night's of sleep this week with lots of discomfort due to my expanding belly and round ligament pain. I know that these are just the growing pains of pregnancy but it hurts! Hubby has been very helpful and supportive with everything. Sometimes I feel like I treat  him so bad and that I'm being a horrible wife but he doesn't complain and loves me anyway :) I realized that I need to plan some time with just the two of us before the baby gets here. I'm hoping my parents will keep baby boy one night a month so that we can have some time to ourselves before the baby gets here.

Last Friday night he endured a technology-free night and watched Frozen with Baby Boy and I. I know he didn't want to but I make sure we spend that family time together. it's important.

Tuesday is the day! We do our anatomy scan and find out if this little bean is a boy or girl, if they cooperate. Please Lord let my child cooperate. I can't stand waiting any longer. I need to know who I will be meeting in December. Plus I need to know how to revise my registry - should it be pink or green. I'm so obsessed with finding out the sex that I bought was one of those gender reveal tests on Amazon. If it came up blue, it was a boy; pink, a girl. Look at my results:


Of course my husband thinks its ridiculous but he wants a girl so bad so I'm sure he kinda believe its LOL Well, this kid is dancing in my belly so I guess that means its time to eat!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Baby Names

Before we decided to have another baby, my husband and I had pretty much decided on baby names. Rather, I decided for us :) A few weeks ago we sat down and started going through a list of names to finalize. Since our son's name is similar to his and starts with a 'K', I wanted an 'M' name this time like mines.

Do you know how hard it is to find unisex M names? For my son I had two names in mind and boom, we were done. With this baby, I'm left scratching my head. If this baby is a girl, we have two options for first names and have agreed on a middle name. If this baby is a boy, we have agreed on the first and middle name.

I asked my husband the other night if he felt some kind of way about this kid not having a K name and he said he didn't although it would be pretty cool for all of them to have K names. 0_0 Narcissistic much, dear?

Anyway, we are planning a small gender reveal party with family next month. I'm debating if we are going to share the baby's name or wait. With my son we revealed his name at my baby shower and since my baby shower won't be until October, I don't think a few more months will hurt.

Monday, July 14, 2014

17 weeks pregnant

How I'm feeling:
Good. Not too tired, not too stressed. Just good.

What I'm craving:
Macaroni and cheese and potato salad. I'm also craving Chipotle so I know what I will be having for lunch.

How I'm sleeping:
Much better and soundly. Although, I do keep having crazy vivid dreams about one of my favorite musicians, Dwele.

I am in fully early nesting mode. Hubby and I spent the better part of Friday and Saturday cleaning out the garage and starting to move things around in the house. We got a lot done but we still have much to do. Then I found out that my in-laws will be coming to visit in 3 weeks so I need to get my house back in order.

I can't believe I'm almost half way through this pregnancy. I finally decided that I'm going to do a gender reveal party but it will only be for family. Since I'm having a huge baby shower (totally my mom and BFF's doing), I wanted to keep this small to just my family. We will send out formal announcements but for now, I want to share that moment with my family. We are still finalizing the date but it will be soon.

I have a doctor's appointment in two weeks and Hubby can finally make it. I made sure he scheduled time off work so that he can be there. He hasn't made a single appointment yet and I really want him to see his baby. I think we will also take baby boy with us too so he can see his sibling. This is just a really exciting time for us and I couldn't be happier.

I'm definitely feeling much better these days but we still have quite a ways to go. Baby Bean is fluttering and moving around all the time. The movements are definitely getting stronger.

Fit While Pregnant

Prior to my pregnancy, I was a pretty active person. I did 5ks, worked out regularly and was in the midst of training for my first half marathon later this year. Of course morning sickness and fatigue completely sidetracked everything for me and now that I'm in my second trimester and my energy has returned, I am back to working out.

My midwife has told me that I'm a great candidate for a VBAC (that's a "vaginal birth after C-section"). After 32 hours of labor with my son, getting stuck at 6cm and him not descending enough, we had to do an emergency C-section. My OB who performed is a great and now I can opt for a vaginal delivery with my second (still on the fence about this).
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I know from past experience the physical toll labor and delivery can take on your body so I want to prepare myself as best as possible with cardio and yoga. My trainer and good friend has graciously set me up with personal trainings sessions twice a week that encompasses strength and very light cardio. I do as much walking and deep squats ( as I can to prepare for my delivery. I am sleeping much better at night and my body isn't feeling as tight.

Did I also mention that because I don't have crazy cravings with this pregnancy, I have managed to not gain any weight? My diet is comprised of lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lots of water. I'm actually a little turned off from meat but I do try to get some in at least one meal a day. I encourage you to exercise and work out during your pregnancy. Even if its light, do it. Its great for you and baby.

Pregnancy in your 20s vs. 30s

I was 27 when I gave birth to my son and I am now 33 pregnant with my second child. Let me give it to you straight: pregnancy in your 30s is completely different from pregnancy in your 20s. Let's discuss...

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Pregnancy in my 20s...
  • Slow to hardly any weight gain
  • Glowing skin
  • Cute baby bump
  • Stylish clothes
  • No morning sickness
  • Fatigue disappeared during the first trimester
  • Physically active
  • Manageable cravings
  • No issues

Pregnancy in my 30s...
  • Overwhelming fatigue!
  • Non-stop morning sickness (I'm almost 20 weeks and still battle this)
  • Adult acne (Proactiv has helped me clear it up)
  • A baby slump (stomach  + bump = slump). Not quite round but not quite fat. Just...there...
  • Cravings of nothing but fruit and fresh veggies
  • Frumpy clothing because fatigue makes you not care about how you look
  • I have had first trimester bleeding, a possible yeast infection (TMI!), diarrhea, and facial hair and crazy mood swings

Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon about this pregnancy and still plan to go for #3 but geez Louise is this pregnancy rough on my body. Despite all of the changes and craziness my body is undergoing, I am embracing and loving every moment of this pregnancy. Between hubby rubbing my belly during the night and my son talking to my belly, life is good.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Career Opportunities

When I started in the workforce some __ years ago, I had a very definitive picture of how my career climb would happen. I have to say, I have pretty much climbed the corporate ladder at the speed I wanted and in the industry I wanted, but most importantly, I have been extremely happy with it all to date.

When I left my last job for my current job, I was in a bad place. My boss was not doing what he
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needed to as a boss, my salary was decent but I really should have been making more and the stress of work landed me in the hospital having to evaluate if it was all worth it. In the end, I ended up walking away and huge weight was lifted.

In my current job, I had felt some of that stress come back. Granted most of it is due to the fact that my boss is out on maternity leave and I was basically handed her role to until her return. I love what I do - which is something you rarely hear people say. Nothing brings me more joy that knowing that what I do every day is helping to save the lives of readers like you. I won't go into details about my career industry but just know that someone is making sure you never have to worry about certain things.

Anyway, the point of this post isn't to rave about how much I love my job but to talk about an undercurrent feeling that I have that there is more. There is more that I should be doing but in my own terms, on my schedule, in my own way, making great money. In addition to my regular every day job, I'm also teaching two college course. Never in a million years did I think I would become a teacher but when I said I wanted it, God made a way.

Now I'm at the point where I'm wondering if my next career path is in teaching. I somehow keep getting pulled back to it and I'm wondering if I need to start to acknowledge what's right in front of me....

Monday, July 7, 2014

16 weeks pregnant

How I'm feeling:
Well-rested and a little achy due a stretching body and growing uterus

What I'm craving:
TACOS! Real authentic Mexican tacos; lots of fresh veggies and fruit
I keep these little trays in my purse or bag at all times. Perfect snack.

How I'm sleeping:
Pretty well

We've made it to 16 weeks. I had my 15 week check-up on Thursday and baby bean is doing great. Heartrate was in the high 150s and s/he was moving around. I haven't gained any weight yet, which she was normal but that I should start to  pick up a few months a month now. I actuality, I shouldn't gain any more than 15 pounds this pregnancy so I think I'm ok there.

We didn't get a chance to do a gender scan so my doctor has me scheduled for that two weeks from now. I.CANT.WAIT! I need to know who I'm going to be dealing with. Plus I think everyone in my family is ready to start shopping. I have strong girl vibes but I had that with Baby Boy and he ended up being a boy. We'll just see this go-round.

Pretty much at this point, everyone knows I'm pregnant or rather I'm at the point where they aren't scared to ask LOL I have had to do some shopping to fit the bump and my spreading hips (Lawd my hips spread when I'm pregnant). I'm only comfort in dresses so I have tons of maxi dresses and shrugs to wear them with. Other than, we are looking ok. I still can't wait to meet this little person in December.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

15 weeks pregnant

How I'm feeling:
Tired, achy but ok for the most part

What I'm craving:
Nothing in particular this week

How I'm sleeping:
Horrible. I have bad insomnia and can't seem to get the house as cold as I want.

Week 15. In a few short weeks I will be blogging about how we're halfway there. Good grief. Still trying to wrap my head around that. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and if this little bean cooperates, we may get to a good picture that tells us if this is a boy or girl. I'm leaning towards girl but we will see. I think we are going to keep the sex of the baby a secret until my baby shower some time in the fall. I haven't quite decided. If I tell my mother, she and my aunts are going to go shopping crazy.

Baby Boy's 6th birthday party is next month and I can't believe my baby will be 6. Where did the time go? I swear that kid cracks me up and his smile will melts hearts like no other. He doesn't know it but we're going to surprise him by moving him into the bigger bedroom (aka the guest room) for his birthday. When he wakes up that morning, he will be in a new bedroom decked out in Superman décor (which he asked for). I'm so excited!

Hubby and I sat down this past weekend and wrote out a list of everything we need to get done around the house BB (Before Baby). Although the list is extensive we are going to use my little cousins and my youngest brother to help before they return to college in August, which gives us a good 30 days to get most of this stuff done. Sigh. I swear, there is never a dull moment in my house.