Monday, July 14, 2014

Fit While Pregnant

Prior to my pregnancy, I was a pretty active person. I did 5ks, worked out regularly and was in the midst of training for my first half marathon later this year. Of course morning sickness and fatigue completely sidetracked everything for me and now that I'm in my second trimester and my energy has returned, I am back to working out.

My midwife has told me that I'm a great candidate for a VBAC (that's a "vaginal birth after C-section"). After 32 hours of labor with my son, getting stuck at 6cm and him not descending enough, we had to do an emergency C-section. My OB who performed is a great and now I can opt for a vaginal delivery with my second (still on the fence about this).
via Google Images

I know from past experience the physical toll labor and delivery can take on your body so I want to prepare myself as best as possible with cardio and yoga. My trainer and good friend has graciously set me up with personal trainings sessions twice a week that encompasses strength and very light cardio. I do as much walking and deep squats ( as I can to prepare for my delivery. I am sleeping much better at night and my body isn't feeling as tight.

Did I also mention that because I don't have crazy cravings with this pregnancy, I have managed to not gain any weight? My diet is comprised of lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lots of water. I'm actually a little turned off from meat but I do try to get some in at least one meal a day. I encourage you to exercise and work out during your pregnancy. Even if its light, do it. Its great for you and baby.

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