How I'm feeling:
Pretty good today although earlier this week was a little rough. I had to take Wednesday off due to nausea and exhaustion.
What I'm craving:
Salads! I went to Subway twice in 3 hours to get a chopped salad. It's ridiculous, I know.
How I'm sleeping:
This week has been horrible. I literally wanted to cry one night because I couldn't get comfortable and could not sleep. Bless my husband's heart, he's left with one pillow to sleep on since I use about 6 0_0
Baby boy is fully moved into his new big bedroom. I can't remember if I mentioned it last week but we decided to move him into the guest room, which is huge, and the baby will take over his room. I think it's a great move but unfortunately for my husband, that leaves him without a room to play in. He will be moving his desk into the sunroom with mine, of course he isn't fond of this idea but we have to make do. I told him, you keep adding kids, the space gets smaller. And he wants a 3rd kid after this so I told him he needs to buy me another house before that one gets here LOL
Seriously, we were planning to buy another house in 4 years but it looks like our timetable will be shifting quickly. We are outgrowing this 3 bedroom plus a sunroom home really quick.
On the baby front all is well. I have had some pretty rough night's of sleep this week with lots of discomfort due to my expanding belly and round ligament pain. I know that these are just the growing pains of pregnancy but it hurts! Hubby has been very helpful and supportive with everything. Sometimes I feel like I treat him so bad and that I'm being a horrible wife but he doesn't complain and loves me anyway :) I realized that I need to plan some time with just the two of us before the baby gets here. I'm hoping my parents will keep baby boy one night a month so that we can have some time to ourselves before the baby gets here.
Last Friday night he endured a technology-free night and watched Frozen with Baby Boy and I. I know he didn't want to but I make sure we spend that family time together. it's important.
Tuesday is the day! We do our anatomy scan and find out if this little bean is a boy or girl, if they cooperate. Please Lord let my child cooperate. I can't stand waiting any longer. I need to know who I will be meeting in December. Plus I need to know how to revise my registry - should it be pink or green. I'm so obsessed with finding out the sex that I bought was one of those gender reveal tests on Amazon. If it came up blue, it was a boy; pink, a girl. Look at my results:
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Of course my husband thinks its ridiculous but he wants a girl so bad so I'm sure he kinda believe its LOL Well, this kid is dancing in my belly so I guess that means its time to eat!
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