Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6 weeks

I am officially 6 weeks pregnant. We still haven't told anyone yet and its killing me to keep this a secret for another 6 weeks. I'm ready to share our big news.

How I'm feeling:
Nauseous, tired, and suffering from allergies

What I'm craving:
Nothing in particular besides salad

How I'm sleeping:
Ok; same is usual

Right now the baby's heart is beating and my firsst appointment is scheduled at 10 weeks. I am SO excited to see and meet this bean. Of course we are anxious because we don't know if we're having one or two at this point. I won't really go into the details of our TTC journey, but I will say that the likelihood of multiples is high due to the medicine I was on. Either way, I'm exicted and happy. Baby Boy is so excited too. He keeps rubbing my telling and asking if his brother or sister is ok.
*awwww* I can't wait for them to meet and grow up together.

Other than that, I'm feeling fine and just taking care of myself as I should.

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