Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Chair

There's a story to this chair....

In 1981 when my mother was due to give birth to me, my father went out and bought her a rocking chair. Not just any chair but a chair he deemed "perfect" for her to rock their newborn baby girl to sleep in every night.

Fast forward 27 years and the end of the my pregnancy....

My parents decided to gift me "the chair" to carry on the tradition. I rocked my first son to sleep, soothed him when he got hurt and watched cartoons with him in this very chair. This chair was a mainstay in both of my apartments after Baby Boy was born. After 2 years of using this chair, it moved back to my parents attic for storage.

Fast forward 4 years later and my second pregnancy...

My dad, almost the sentimental type, decided the chair needed a facelift for the birth of his second grandson. He spent an entire weekend sanding it down, painting and it searching for the perfect cushions to replace it with. And here we are today with this chair of 33 years, sitting in my 2nd son's room.

There are some memories and items that never be replaced and this chair is one of them. I plan to hold on to it for many many years to come and more children.

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