Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Career Opportunities

When I started in the workforce some __ years ago, I had a very definitive picture of how my career climb would happen. I have to say, I have pretty much climbed the corporate ladder at the speed I wanted and in the industry I wanted, but most importantly, I have been extremely happy with it all to date.

When I left my last job for my current job, I was in a bad place. My boss was not doing what he
via Google images
needed to as a boss, my salary was decent but I really should have been making more and the stress of work landed me in the hospital having to evaluate if it was all worth it. In the end, I ended up walking away and huge weight was lifted.

In my current job, I had felt some of that stress come back. Granted most of it is due to the fact that my boss is out on maternity leave and I was basically handed her role to until her return. I love what I do - which is something you rarely hear people say. Nothing brings me more joy that knowing that what I do every day is helping to save the lives of readers like you. I won't go into details about my career industry but just know that someone is making sure you never have to worry about certain things.

Anyway, the point of this post isn't to rave about how much I love my job but to talk about an undercurrent feeling that I have that there is more. There is more that I should be doing but in my own terms, on my schedule, in my own way, making great money. In addition to my regular every day job, I'm also teaching two college course. Never in a million years did I think I would become a teacher but when I said I wanted it, God made a way.

Now I'm at the point where I'm wondering if my next career path is in teaching. I somehow keep getting pulled back to it and I'm wondering if I need to start to acknowledge what's right in front of me....

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