Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gender Reveal (Sorta)

Hubby and I attended my anatomy scan for the baby the other day. During this scan, the technician is basically taking pictures of baby's full anatomy for review by the OB. It's a normal procedure but it takes a while, especially if you have an active little one like mine.

For the most part, everything looks good. We told her we wanted to know gender immediately. About 20 minutes in she says its one sex and then a few minutes later says she wrong and that it was another sex. I asked her if she was sure and she said yes but since the baby was squirmy, I would have to come back to definitely confirm.

via Google Images
Lady, you have got to be kidding me. By this point, Hubby is frustrated because she had him expecting one sex and then she says she's wrong. He would have preferred until she was absolutely sure before saying something, which I agree, but I babies move so it can happen.

Anyway, I'm not really the gender just yet until we are absolutely sure what we are having. I've told some family and we even revealed the name but we are going to hold another week before moving forward with anything.

I tell you, these babies are something else...

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